Kettle 10-18 thru 10-20-2022

Had to take a couple shots of the empty parking lot at the Project. Couldn't believe I had the place to myself. Maybe it was the crappy weather and cold temps?
But, yeah, empty. Later in the week a couple guys passed through but not the crowds of old.
Creek was low but flowing. Air temps never got above 45 deg. and the water temp was a suitable 53 degrees.
This was just before the showers. Looks calm and peaceful but soon a wind would come up dumping a truckload of leaves in the water and making it feel much…
But, the fish were here. Just stocked on October 5 and this is FFO Catch and Release so the fish should stay until poached.
Caught all rainbows. Guess that's all they put in this time.
Thought about hitting another spot on the stream but, heck, the fish were at the bridge so that's where I stayed.
Not much size to most of the fish but I did have a dandy on...and, yes the big one threw the hook and got away. I can only estimate that it was in the 18 inch…
The leaves did make the fishing challenging but it was bearable.
Another 13 incher.
Most were right around the 13 to 14 inch size.
Yes, that is rain on the water and two rise forms close to the end of the pool. I took refuge under the bridge to keep dry.
This was about 15 inches. Nice fish but they are starting to sho signs of wear.
Used to fish the cut along the rocks but the fish never moved up that far.
It rained part of each day I fished. Cold and wet...gotta love it!
Another 12 incher.
And then another
It was fun playing with these fish but I really wish there was more float stocking to move the fish around.
It was tough figuring out what these fish wanted. No bugs in the air but a couple of rising fish seemed to indicate there was something in the top of the water…
Like I said, all about the same size but they put up a good fight.